Logic mixtapes on vinyl
Logic mixtapes on vinyl

logic mixtapes on vinyl

In the film, there is a really poignant scene where the song 'My Father's Gun' (Side B, last track) plays over Orlando's coping of his father's passing. The soundtracks (two volumes) alone turned me onto so much new music when it came out in 2005.

#Logic mixtapes on vinyl movie

The film is about a really good soundtrack that follows Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst around a movie for 90 minutes or so.

logic mixtapes on vinyl

But I hadn't heard 'Tumbleweed Connection' until I saw the Cameron Crowe film 'Elizabethtown'. Mostly the pop songs, greatest hits, and of course - Yellow Brick Road. I think it was due to my birth year having been during his peak of powers. Original Source - The now (sadly) defunct BTV Record Store Downtown DiscsĮlton John's music has been omnipresent in my life. It was sandwiched between Elton's 'Rock of the Westies' and 'Honkey Chateau'. I nabbed my $1.00 copy of Elton John's 1970 masterpiece 'Tumbleweed Connection' from the piano bench record stash in our sunroom. It is Day #1 after all, need to take it slow. Today I pulled a safe pick, something I haven't listened to in a long time. I had found the source, the original code, the stripped down no frills Athens, GA quartet of oddballs who would shape my musical obsessions for the next 20+ years. The one time band for COOL people to feel COOL listening to is now the people's band. But that day, when I placed the needle on my newly acquired copy of their 1982 Chronic Town EP, I felt COOL. Hence why there was a huge backlash when REM went Top 40. Sure, the radio songs were great, so was the new stuff. I felt like I had arrived at something special. It held a total of 20 minutes of music would pave the way for their debut masterpiece 'Murmur' the following year.

logic mixtapes on vinyl

These notes were the first REM would commit to recording and it would define their every fiber from then on. Stipe's dramatic exhale sounded as if it sucked all the air out of the room as I first heard it and still does. The opening jangle of "Wolves, Lower" started a million bands on its own and stripped the bong resin off my tiny brain. I seem to recall riding my bike along the Burlington Bike Path stressing about the misting rain and the fact that my albums could get wet. I found a very affordable copy (it had to be as I was on a very limited budget at the time) along with a copy of Elvis Costello's debut 'My Aim is True' and raced back to my room and threw it on.

Logic mixtapes on vinyl